Additional Services

From time-to-time, suppliers will not have received a payment issued by Georgetown, and Accounts Payable will need to reissue the payment. The following process should be followed:

  1. The supplier or GU departmental contact provides info about the payment to be reviewed for reissue, either via email to or via Google Form. We ask requests include the following information:
    • Supplier name
    • Supplier ID (SUP-#######, if known)
    • Payment amount
    • Payment date (if known)
    • Invoice number(s) (if known)
  2. Accounts Payable analysts will research the payment and provide additional information required about the payments, and if at all possible, will email back the requestor (and the supplier, if different) regarding the preliminary determination, whether and what additional information is needed, and when to expect action.
  3. Reissue requests will be processed as they are received; the timing of a payment reissue will conform to the established settlement schedule

NOTE: General policy is that paper checks will not be reissued unless they have been outstanding for 30 days. Managers may approve exceptions to this policy due to extenuating circumstances.

NOTE: This process is intended only for suppliers who:

  • have identified an overpayment from Georgetown and 
  • do not expect to submit invoices that will offset the overpayment amount within 90 days.

If the supplier has identified an overpayment from Georgetown and expect invoices to offset that overpayment within 90 days, they should submit a credit memo or other invoice adjustment document to, listing the PO that was originally charged for their invoice, or to if there was no PO associated with their original invoice.

Suppliers should be aware that the processing of their repayment will generate an email informing them of a negative-value invoice. This is not indicative of a new payment, and is simply the result of a record-keeping entry.

Supplier Repayment

  1. The preferred supplier repayment option is to make repayment online if the supplier has a bank account at a US bank. The supplier will be asked to provide:
    • The amount of their repayment (required)
    • Their name (required)
    • The method by which they originally received payment (required)
    • Their supplier number (optional)
    • The invoice number(s) (optional)
    • The original payment date (optional)
    • The original payment amount (optional)
    • Banking information and Billing Address (required)
  2. Repayment can also be made via check.
    • 3700 O St NW, White Gravenor Lower Level, Washington DC, 20057
    • Include the supplier’s name, number, and invoice number on the check remittance info if at all possible
  3. If online payment from a bank account at a US bank or payment by check is not possible, please contact

Upon receipt of a statement of accounts from a University supplier, Accounts Payable staff will perform a reconciliation against our records to determine which invoices listed have been paid, which have been received and not yet paid (along with the reason for non-payment), and those that have not been processed and/or received. Accounts Payable will work with the supplier and internal stakeholders to resolve any issues preventing the payment of properly submitted invoices.

  • All statements should be sent by the supplier to
  • Please limit one statement per supplier per month
  • Statements should reference the supplier’s name, and must contain the following (at a minimum) for each invoice:
    • Invoice number
    • Invoice date
    • Purchase Order number
    • Total amount
  • Please allow up to two weeks for thorough review and follow-up action

All credit memos should be submitted to, and should reference the original invoice and Purchase Order tied to the overpayment. Each credit memo should have a unique invoice number. Once processed, the credit memo will reduce the invoiced amount of the Purchase Order to which it is applied, and will credit the worktags used on the original invoice.

The credit will create a negative balance on the supplier’s record, which will be applied to all future invoices until the total balance of unpaid invoices equals or exceeds the value of the credit. Any overage between the credit and new invoices will result in a payment equal to that overage.

Each year, the Office of Accounts Payable performs a review of any payments that were issued but never claimed by the payee during the fiscal year ending on June 30th of the third year past. This review is, by and large, is restricted to payments issued as paper checks, since electronic forms of payment are typically claimed within a matter of days, and payment issues are surfaced much more quickly. If it is determined that an outstanding payment is legitimate, Accounts Payable will attempt to contact the payee using both the email and physical addresses on file in an attempt to ensure that the payment reaches its intended destination.

Should we fail to receive a response from the payee asking for a reissuing of the payment, we will be required to remit the funds to the District of Columbia under the provisions of DC Code § 42-201. Payees who believe that they are entitled to funds remitted in this manner will need to contact the Government of the District of Columbia. More information can be found on the website of DC’s Chief Financial Officer.

The Office of Accounts Payable produces forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC for those suppliers who meet the following conditions:

  • Are US persons or entities
  • Do not self-identify as a C-Corp or S-Corp, nor as a not-for-profit
  • Have been paid at least $600 in qualified* payments during the prior calendar year

Accounts Payable will send a preliminary notice to all suppliers who are determined to meet the above conditions in early December in order to verify that our information is accurate and up-to-date. Following this, we will make every effort to file these forms with the IRS at least one week prior to January 31st, and to make copies available to recipients at that time. Any supplier for whom we have an email address on file will be able to access their form, if one has been generated, at

* Note that whether or not a payment is deemed “qualified” is dependent on how the procurement request was structured. Accounts Payable does not control the creation or approval of procurement documents.