Supplier Registration and Portal FAQs

Please see below for common frequently asked questions.

  • Business Details (Supplier Name, Tax ID, Contact Information).  Additional details may be required as needed
  • Supporting Documentation for  International Suppliers: International W8 BEN/E

The Supplier Registration Request approval process generally takes 2-3 business days, if the information provided by the supplier registrant is complete and accurate, and matches government records.

The supplier contact (defined by the supplier registrant in the registration request) will receive the following emails upon approval of their registration request: 

  1. Welcome email with notification of approval, supplier ID, and the URL for login
  2. Temporary Password email (auto-generated)

If Georgetown University denies the registration request the supplier registrant may receive denial email notifying of critical error with the registration process, and requesting new registration application.

The first time you log in as a supplier you will be asked to change your password to a permanent password from the temporary password you were emailed. The requirements for a permanent password are:

  • a minimum of 16 characters
  • at least one uppercase alphabetic character (A-Z)
  • at least one lowercase alphabetic character (a-z)
  • at least one numeric character (0-9)

Next, you will see a screen to set up Multi Factor Authentication. You can either set up multi-factor authentication via:

  • Email: You will be sent a one-time code at the supplier contact email address
  • Authenticator App: You will use an app of your choice, on your mobile device, to receive a one-time code

If you have an existing and approved Supplier Record with Georgetown University, you can request access to the supplier portal by completing the  Supplier Portal Account Request Form. You must know your Supplier Record Number (SUP-#######).

If you do not have a Supplier Record with Georgetown University, visit the  Supplier Registration Site to submit a registration request. Once approved, you will have a supplier record, and supplier portal access will be provided to the Supplier Contact named in the registration request.

  1. Go to the Supplier Record Management Portal page
  2. Click the Forgot Password link (below the “Sign In” button.)
  3. Enter your Username and Email Address (the username will generally be the same as the email address of the supplier contact that was provided at registration, or at supplier portal account request )
  4. Hit the Submit button

Changes of a supplier’s legal name or Tax ID are subject to additional scrutiny. Please complete the Supplier Record Change Request Form and supply the necessary tax documents as directed.