Strategic Sourcing FAQs

Please see below for common frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for here, please contact the Sourcing Help Desk.

The process of selecting suppliers and partnerships begins with research and data in the supplier’s respective industry. Once we have identified suppliers that fit into the statement of work or purpose of our procurement strategy, we then select the best quality, competitively priced, and/or diverse service provider we can. The negotiation process for suppliers is to ensure we meet the needs of the community and give back to the university. These incentives come in the form of rebates, discounts, internships, sponsorships, and scholarships for your school.

The sourcing department negotiates incentives to gather discounts, rebates, scholarships, athletic sponsorships, internships, and any other benefit that may be used for students and faculty.

  • The Sourcing Department supports the university and its departments on large and unique acquisitions of products and services.Strategic Sourcing also manages sole source justifications.
  • Contracts Department serves as a resource in connection with multiple phases of contracts for purchased goods and services, contract drafting, review, and contract management.

  • If you are interested in engaging one of the selected caterers to provide services under the master service agreement, you can reach out to the supplier directly to solicit a proposal or quote for your event. Once the proposal is received:
    • 1.       Create a GMS Requisition to request funding approval
    • 2.       Attach as supporting documentation the scope of work, proposal, and/or quote from the supplier, including the dates of service
    • 3.       Route requisition for approval
    • 4.       Once approved, source requisition and issue a purchase order
      • a.       When the department is ready to source the PO, The department may sign the banquet event order, quote, or proposal.
      • b.      (These terms have already been duplicated in each master agreement so you are not committing the university to any additional liabilities.)
    • 5.       Reference the GMS master contract number on the purchase order in the “supplier contract” field
    • 6. Attach the scope of work, proposal, and/or quote from the supplier to the purchase order and send it to the supplier.

  1. Proactively works with campus staff to assure the effective management and delivery of quality procurement services
  2. Designs, and implements, strategic sourcing strategy on effective procurement processes
  3. Maintains suitable sources of supply by facilitating supplier outreach for campus requirements and ensuring equal opportunity in University business contracting
  4. Establishes competition wherever practicable including assisting in the development of procurement specifications, soliciting and processing requests for quotations, conducting negotiations for price, terms and conditions, and where necessary, conferring with counsel for advice and resolution of matters
  5. Establishes annual price agreements and contracts in accordance with sound procurement practices. Such contracts and agreements include participation in specialty contracts and consortium agreements